Dr. Jess McLaughlin (they/them)

Jess is the PI! They grew up as a generally outdoorsy kid in Dayton, OH, and so naturally they decided at 18 to run off to Alaska to get their degree in Wildlife Biology at University of Alaska Fairbanks. Since then, they’ve followed that with an MSc in Biological Sciences (also at UAF), a PhD in Biology at University of Oklahoma, postdocs at UC Berkeley and UMass Amherst, and a stint as an instructor at Mission College (CA).

Jess is interested in why certain taxa have the specific evolutionary outcomes they do when similar taxa do not, and they get very excited about figuring out how to use cool new sequencing tech for conservation. They are also an advocate for equity in STEM, especially for LGBTQ+ inclusion. You can read more about their background and CV here.


Join us!

Want to see your face in this gallery? I am currently recruiting MSc students for Fall 2025! I am also willing to discuss PhD and postdoc opportunities. And as always, undergrads are always welcome!

Interested? Let’s talk! Email me at jfmclaughlin [at] alaska.edu.



Part of what makes science fun is working with so many other cool people! Below is a running list of some of the folks we’ve worked with:

Dr. Kinsey Brock, SDSU

Dr. Andy Danylchuk, UMass Amherst

Dr. Lisa Komoroske, UMass Amherst

Dr. Sara Lipshutz, Duke

Dr. Matthew Miller, Reneco International Wildlife Consultants

Dr. Ian Wang, UC Berkeley

Dr. Kevin Winker, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Dr. Chris Witt, University of New Mexico